Projeto de extensão: resgatando sorrisos
Restorative dentistry, Aesthetic dentistry, Extension projectAbstract
The article addresses restorative and aesthetic dentistry, highlighting the importance of adhesion of materials to mineralized dental tissues. The philosophy of minimally invasive restorative treatment is based on principles of prevention and maximum preservation, with minimal intervention in dental structures. Dental aesthetics are subjective, influenced by several factors, and despite advances in aesthetic materials, the need for clinical evaluations on the behavior of composite resin restorations is increasing. In the Brazilian context, where the provision of government dental treatment is limited, perceived need becomes an important predictor of the use of dental services. There is a significant demand for restorative dentistry procedures, often performed by undergraduate and postgraduate students. The article highlights the creation of an Orthodontics Extension Project to deal with repressed demand, although new activities are necessary. It is concluded that initiatives such as extension projects are essential to mitigate the lack of care for the population and prepare academics for clinical practices in restorative dentistry.
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