Post-traumatic dentigerous cyst: case report
Dentigerous Cyst, Biopsy, Oral SurgeryAbstract
The dentigerous cyst is an odontogenic cyst associated with the crown of unerupted teeth, inflammation or after trauma. It is asymptomatic, unilocular, predominantly in the mandible and male. The objective of this case was to report the diagnosis and treatment of the dentigerous cyst. The anamnesis, clinical examination and complementary tests were carried out in order to obtain a thorough diagnosis and the best possible treatment. The diagnosis through radiographic examinations and CT scans was extremely important, allowing the visualization of anatomical conditions and structures, dental fracture, presence of fixed plates and appearance of the lesion. Surgical treatment by means of enucleation was the most indicated technique according to the conditions presented, considering the circumstances of the patient and the size of the lesion. Complete removal of the lesion, extraction of element 45 and partial removal of the miniplate were performed. Therefore, the biopsy is essential to corroborate a differential diagnosis, the excisional type is recommended for small and benign lesions.
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