Lower third molar removal surgery associated with L-PRF – case report
Platelet-rich fibrin, Tooth Included, Oral SurgeryAbstract
Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is an autologous process, which consists of removing a blood sample taken from the patient, where it is placed in a test tube, subsequently centrifuged, and deposited in the alveolus after the extraction of the third molar. This therapy is still in progress, often used more and more in third molar extractions, where it helps in bone and tissue regeneration. The objective of this work was to perform an extraction of the lower third molar (48) and insert the PRF in the alveolus after the extraction procedure. Blood collection and centrifugation, antisepsis of the patient and assembly of the surgical table were carried out, anesthesia of the Inferior Alveolar, Buccal and Ligual Nerve, intrasucular insertion, detachment, odontosection and osteotomy under continuous irrigation and elevation of the dental element, insertion of Rich Fibrin in Collagen and socket closure with Nyolon thread. Therefore, it is concluded that PRF is a process that is still in progress, however, it is a great alternative for regeneration of alveoli after third molar extractions, due to its unique biological properties.
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